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Let's Talk About Jesus 2023 Mid-Year Bundle Offer

Six CDs For $25.00 Shipping Included

Here are six NEW Christ-centered, insight filled, life-giving message CDs by Rev. Wayne Monbleau
to bless your life and bring you closer to God!


  • Lead Me In The Everlasting Way

  • Did Jesus Have To Suffer And Rise From The Dead?

  • My New Life Is My True Life And The Old Life Is The Old Strife

  • Walk In Newness Of Life Today With "I Am"
    (The Best Way To Be Free From The Past)

  • I Am Purchased For God And Bought With A Price

  • Benefits Of Walking In The Light & How The Number 144 Bookends The Bible

Order Online Here

Or Call Our Office At 1-800-480-1638

Help Continue The Ministry Of
"Let's Talk About Jesus"
With Your Greatly Appreciated
Gift Of Renewal

"What you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God. And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:18-19

Loving Grace Ministries is a nonprofit tax-exempt I.R.S. 501 (c) (3) organization and a member of ECFA, The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
Pray The Lord's Prayer
with Rev. Wayne
Psalm 100 with Rev. Wayne
at the Grotto of the Father
A Healing Prayer For You
with Rev. Wayne

Loving Grace Ministries
"July 2024 Music Sampler"

​This new music sampler recording takes two tracks each from our five upcoming archives releases​, which we believe will minister the Spirit of God in Jesus' Name to you, in His grace, love, joy and peace through each of these "Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs." We pray this recording will lift you up, touch your heart, and renew your life in Jesus Christ each time you listen.




1. I Need You Lord - Will Lopez

2. Psalm 62 - Lisa & Bob Prokopowitz

3. While I'm Alive - John & Linda Franklin

4. I Will Never Forget You My People - Wayne, Debbie, Will (Full Band)

5. Jesus We Love You - Wayne, Debbie, Lisa

6. Bless The Lord - Unknown

7. Unto Thee I Call - Wayne (Full Band)

8. The Rock That Is Higher Than I - Lisa & Bob Prokopowitz

9. Amazing Grace Found Me - Will Lopez

10. Psalm 103 - Wayne, Debbie, Will

11. I Love You Lord - Wayne, Debbie, Lisa, Will

Your Gentle Spirit

An Excerpt From Daily Devotions

“Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near”

Philippians 4:5


I have been sharing with you on the theme of “ministering as a priest the gospel of God,” as Paul exhorted the Christians in Rome (Romans 15:16). We have looked at specific qualities of Christ our High Priest in Hebrews (mercy, sympathy, gentleness - Hebrews 2:17, 4:15, 5:2) and also at God’s word admonishing us to be “ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15). 


Jesus Christ, our High Priest, has instructed each of us to “take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29). 


A “gentle spirit” is a spirit that follows Christ, imitates Christ, remains close to Christ, and honors God.


 Many may mistakenly associate spiritual power with strident authority, threats, and muscle flexing. This is not so with our God. He has all of the power in the universe and, because of that, and because of His profound desire to see people saved and reconciled with Himself, Jesus Christ exercises His power towards us in love, gentleness, and mercy, always with humility towards His Abba Father...

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Ask Wayne A Question

Have a question or counseling need based on the holy scriptures?
Submit it using this form for a chance to have it answered in an upcoming edition of "Let's Talk About Jesus"

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Thanks So Much For Reaching Out! May Our Lord Richly Bless You!

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“Your ministry is the most straight forward of any ministry to Christ Jesus, Who is the point of the         Gospel.”

Ulysses R., Brooklyn, NY

3 Books & 1 Booklet

From Reverend Wayne



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      11:30 am - 12:30pm, 560AM

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  • Hope FM Radio - M-F, 107.1, 101.5, 96.5, 94.9, 104.5 FM11:30am-12:30pm EASTERN


     Find Out More

Comfort & Joy CD
Free book with your donation - 30 Days with Your Good Shepherd Jesus Christ
Emmanuel CD
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Loving Grace Ministries - PO Box 500 - Lafayette NJ - 07848

Phone 1-800-480-1638 Call our 24/7 Prayer & Encouragement Line - 1-800-939-5825  


Loving Grace Ministries is a nonprofit tax-exempt I.R.S. 501 (c) (3) organization
and a member of ECFA, The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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