Jesus Christ IS Our Resurrection Life
Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:
"I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies"
John 11:25
Jesus Christ, Himself, is our resurrection. Jesus Christ, Himself, is our life. When we believe in Jesus Christ actively ("fixing our eyes on Jesus" Hebrews 12:2), all we can possibly be aware of is resurrection and life. Even if (or when) our physical body fails, we will still be in life, unbroken for even a second, because "Christ, Who is our life" (Col. 3:4) lives within us. He owns our spirit.
We are in Him now and forever, and death can never touch Him again for Jesus Christ already died, once for all, to pay for our sins so that we may live forever with Him. Our Savior is resurrection life so death cannot touch Him any longer. And we are in Him! Even when we die we live, for we have been forever touched with and transformed by resurrection life in and through Jesus Christ our living Lord. Hallelujah!
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