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Where Our Restoration Always Is

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“Restore us to You, O Lord, that we may be restored”

Lamentations 5:21

Yesterday we looked at the 23rd Psalm where David wrote this about the Lord his Shepherd, “He restores my soul” (Vs. 3). We also saw that the Hebrew word for “restores” is “shub,” meaning; to bring back, turn back, return, and repent.

I love this picture of simple and true repentance being of you and I as sheep with our Good Shepherd, for it is in His presence that we are restored. “Restore us to You, O Lord, that we may be restored.”

True repentance is our coming into the protective arms of our Shepherd Who holds us in His hand.

This is where our restoration always is.

Today let yourself rest in your Shepherd’s care and receive the restoration that comes from being with Him.

He restores you.

He restores your soul as you remain with Him.

God promises in this Scripture that a repentant heart is a restored heart, for when you return to Jesus Christ, your Good Shepherd, His goodness flows over and throughout you like a river of living water, giving continual divine restoration; the restoration of a sheep in the loving, watchful, protective, feeding hand of the best Shepherd in the universe.

Thank You Jesus. You restore me in Your presence. O my gracious Good Shepherd, I praise You for Your loving kindness and restoration. Hallelujah!

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