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The Glory Of God’s Only Begotten

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father”

John 1:14

Jesus Christ is the One and only begotten Son of the Father, and when Father God sent His Son to earth He filled Him with His glory. Oh how the Father loves His Son, His only begotten.

We are so blessed that our Father God would will for His Son to become flesh and dwell among us.

God’s love for His only begotten Son is perfectly understandable. God filling His only begotten Son with His glory is perfectly understandable. The part that is harder for us to understand is why “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16). How could God love us so much that He would actually give us His only begotten Son, the One Whom He filled with His glory and loves so much?

Jesus was always perfect, holy, and one with His Father. And look at us. We were imperfect, unholy, and separate from God.

Yet God gave us His only begotten Son, Who had always been one with Him, so that you and I, who were so far off, might be saved and become one with our Father. “That whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

My brothers and sisters, LOVE can be the only answer as to why God has done this for us, for this gift of His amazing grace towards us. God truly, deeply, and completely loves us. “For God SO loved the world, that He gave,” He gave us His only begotten Son, Whom He loves, and with Whom He exists in a perfect, eternal, union of love.

And now, praise His wonderful name, we are all together - Father, Son, Spirit, and us - made one in our Beloved Messiah. LOVE is the answer.

We could ask, “but why does He love us.” LOVE is still the answer. LOVE is it’s own, complete, answer. “God so loved.”

We have been born again and we are now one with our Father, with Christ dwelling within, filled with His Spirit, all because “God so loved” us.

Have the most merriest Christmas this year by unwrapping God’s great gift of love, given to you in His “only begotten.” Hallelujah!

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