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Singing The New Song Of Our Priesthood

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“The twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying, ‘Worthy are You to take the book and break the seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth’”

Revelation 5:8-10

This is the glorious “new song” that the elders sang to Jesus Christ in this Scripture: “Worthy are You!”

God has placed this “new song” in our hearts too, hasn’t He? Yes, we have received within us a “new song” about our “Lamb” of God, Jesus Christ, Who was slain for us so He might purchase us for God, through His New Covenant blood (see Luke 22:19-20), in order that we would “be a kingdom and priests to our God.”

What a glorious new song our God has given us!

In the whole of the Old Testament there was no greater blessing granted from God upon a faithful individual than that of being invited, as a reward, to “come near to Me to minister to Me” (see Ezekiel 44:15) in the inner court, right next to the presence of God in the Holy of Holies.

Now, through the New Covenant in which we live, every single believer begins their born-again life as a member of this “kingdom and priests” with the same blessed invitation to “come near to Me to minister to Me!”

John, in his opening chapter of Revelation, dedicated this book to Jesus Christ saying, “To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood - and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father - to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen” (Revelation 1:5-6).

My brothers and sisters, the more we sing this ENTIRE “new song,” the more the reality of our call to be His “kingdom and priests” arises in our hearts, and the more the body of Christ will begin to also hear, understand, and respond to this “new song.”

God has put His “new song” of joy in us, of belonging and oneness with Him, and reigning victory in this world, through our being purchased-with-the-blood-of-Christ priests “to our God.”

Stale religion only accepts the first part of the song, the “Jesus died for me” part. Stale religion avoids, at all costs, the second part of the song, the part about WHY Jesus died for us. Stale religion wants to feel close to God without actually being close to God.

Whereas the “new song” that our God has given to His true children is a song of life and love realized in who God has made us to be for Himself, namely, “a kingdom, priests to His God,” that we may be as close as close can be to His presence, wisdom, power, purpose, and protection for our lives.

Sing this whole entire new song church, beloved of God. Yes, sing this whole “new song” and let us be, completely, who Christ has made us all to be.

All the living beings in heaven praised Jesus Christ for making us to be this kingdom of priests unto God. So, let us all praise Jesus Christ as well and let us all be this kingdom of priests unto God.

Sing your glorious new song of thanks and praise in His presence today. Hallelujah!

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