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Receiving God’s Grace & Truth Fullness

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth”

John 1:14

Our loving resurrected Savior, Immanuel, Who presently lives within us, is “full of grace and truth.” So, therefore, the invitation and call, extended in love to you and I, is for us to actively and spiritually participate daily in this blessed grace and truth fullness of our Lord Christ, so that we may experience this same fullness of our Lord flowing throughout our innermost being.

God’s Word, Jesus, is dwelling in us right now. As we believe this truth, of His present “grace and truth” fullness within us, it becomes incumbent within us to take the next step, in response to Immanuel, by declaring to all, just as John did, “for of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace” (John 1:16). Amen!

Let this “grace and truth” fullness of Jesus Christ, Who is within you, become your own fullness today, because Christ does dwell in you.

Receive His fullness perpetually, His Own, indwelling, living, “grace upon grace” fullness. Why be empty at all when you could be so filled?

Beloved, please keep this in mind, that God’s truth is always full of grace to you, and God’s grace is always full of truth to you. “Grace and truth” cannot and should not be separated, even as Christ Himself cannot be separated.

Christ has come to make us one; within ourselves, with Him, with Father, and with the Holy Spirit. This is the “grace and truth” fullness which all believers need to know and to receive about our God.

Start receiving God’s “grace and truth” fullness within you and you will soon realize that His fullness is beyond measure. It truly is “grace upon grace,” just as God’s “Word” has declared to us.

May the glory of Jesus Christ, full of grace and truth, dwelling within in you now, your Immanuel, bless and fill you with His Own grace upon grace Presence and fullness. Merry Christmas. Praise You Jesus!


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