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Our Prince Of Peace

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of peace”

Isaiah 9:6

This glorious prophecy through Isaiah, of our Savior Jesus Christ’s birth, culminates in the title “Prince of Peace.” Certainly a large motivating factor in our own willingness, and ability, to actually hear our “Wonderful Counselor” in this day, is in our recognizing Him, our God, to Himself be our indwelling “Prince of Peace.”

The transformation our Lord intends to take place within us, as we live in fellowship with our “Mighty God” and His wonderful counsel, is that we will experience His counsel and presence to the degree that we become profoundly at peace and in peace with Him.

We live in peace with our “Prince of Peace.”

I live in peace best when I am consciously in fellowship with Jesus Christ, my “Prince of Peace.” Hallelujah!

I think also that the full impact and scope of God’s wonderful counsel towards us, through this prophecy, is more greatly realized as we behold the fullness of how our gracious God has presented Himself to us. Our Lord tells us that He is all of these titles: He is “a child...born to us,” a “son... given to us,” our “Wonderful Counselor,” our “Mighty God,” our “Eternal Father” and, our “Prince of Peace.”

As we accept, realize and grow in the understanding of our God coming to us in all these ways, I promise you that the experience of Jesus Christ as your living “Prince of Peace,” reigning presently in your heart, will only increase.

When we fellowship with our “Prince of Peace” then His peace guards us. “The peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Paul wrote (Philippine 4:7).

God has come to us as a child, a son, a “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father” all so we would truly know Him as our own “Prince of Peace.”

Your Prince is calling you now. Come in peace and rest in peace with your “Prince of Peace” today.

Christ is born for you so that you may live in peace with Him. Hallelujah!

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