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God Is Faithful To Give Us New Things Every Morning

Today’s Word Of Encouragement from Wayne:

“The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:22-23

Hallelujah, our Lord God is so faithful to us! Yes, “Great is Your faithfulness!”

In this case, from this Scripture in Lamentations, God’s great faithfulness is expressed to us through His daily giving us His brand new “lovingkindness” and “compassions.”

Beloved of God, step up to the plate, the breakfast plate that is, and start daily receiving God’s “lovingkindnesses” and “compassions” towards you!

Here’s the thing about this; even if you have never been aware of your gracious Lord’s daily “lovingkindnesses” and “compassions” in the past, I tell you this, simply speaking, once you begin showing up daily before your God in His presence, to receive His Own “lovingkindnesses” and “compassions” for you, you will find that your daily desire and reception of God’s love and compassion, in itself, actually alerts you more than ever before to all the many ways His love and compasssions are all over your life and in your heart, every day.

Your own blessed focus on God’s love and compassion will increase wonderfully as you daily receive from His Own hand these marvelous life-changing qualities of His, true gifts of life abundant and eternal to you in Jesus’ Name!

Yes, receive “The Lord’s lovingkindnesses” and “compassions” this day and then thank Him by declaring, “Great is Your faithfulness!” Hallelujah!

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