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Enter God’s Dwelling Place And Worship At His Footstool

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“Let us go into His dwelling place; let us worship at His footstool”

Psalm 132:7

Do yourself a big favor today by saying “let me go into His dwelling place; let me worship at His footstool.” Amen.

Nobody is holding us back from this awesome blessing and privilege, except perhaps ourselves.

God’s door is always open to us; the door into His Own dwelling place presence.

God’s door is always open so that we may always enter.

So, let us joyfully receive what the psalmist has declared, by our going into God’s dwelling place, within us, that we may worship at His footstool.

The beautiful Biblical imagery here is this; it is just as the Lord spoke through Isaiah when He said, “Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool” (Isaiah 66:1). Our Father is in heaven, seated upon His throne. We are on the earth, worshiping at His footstool. Don’t miss this simple, profound, truth of beholding God being seated upon His throne in heaven while His feet rest upon His footstool on earth. What a mighty and awesome God we serve!

When we worship at God’s footstool, we connect with God’s throne in heaven! Amazing! Spectacular! And True!

So, today “Let us go (joyfully, humbly, gratefully) into His dwelling place; let us worship at His footstool.” Thank You Lord that when we worship at Your footstool, You connect us to Your throne in heaven! Bless You Lord!


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