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Shepherds And Priests Who Are After God’s Own Heart

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Shepherds And Priests Who Are After God’s Own Heart

“I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding”

Jeremiah 3:15

Every single word I have shared and declared, concerning our present day new covenant priesthood to God, is entirely about being fed “on knowledge and understanding.”

God’s present day church, the proclaimed body of Christ, absolutely needs this specific “knowledge and understanding,” of our new covenant and of our identity as God’s priesthood, that can only come to God’s church via “shepherds after My own heart.”

If we are after the heart of God, then where do we go? We go after God, specifically after His heart, and that is precisely why and when we enter as His holy priesthood before His presence.

A true Christian shepherd is an under-shepherd of Jesus Christ, Who is our High Priest, and our King, and our Savior, and our Good Shepherd, all made possible because “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood” (Jesus - Luke 22:20).

As new covenant children of God, purchased for God through the blood of Christ, to specifically make us a kingdom and priests (Revelation 5:9-10), we are privileged to be called His priests, and we are privileged to become “shepherds after My own heart.”

True “shepherds after My own heart” are constantly in God’s word and are constantly in God’s presence, for these are the two key places for us to practice being after His Own heart, with the result that we actually do receive His Own “knowledge and understanding.”

Being in God’s word, but not in His presence as His priests, is a colossal falling short of our call in Jesus Christ. Similarly, being in God’s presence, but not in His word, is also a falling short of our upward call in Christ Jesus.

However, if we truly are ascending to being “shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding,” then we want to be with God constantly, in His word and in His presence, simply and completely because we are continually after the heart of God and, because of our practice, we already have tasted and seen that the Lord is good, both in His word and In His presence.

Be a shepherd after God’s Own heart today, in His word as His disciple, and in His presence as His priest, and you will not only not be disappointed but, indeed, you will see you have actually been appointed for this very purpose. And in this place, of being profoundly after God’s Own heart, you will be gloriously and continually fed on His Own “knowledge and understanding.” Oh Bless Your holy name our Lord! Hallelujah!

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