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Carrying His Presence With You Throughout Your Day

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Carrying His Presence With You Throughout Your Day

“Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving. Let us shout joyfully to Him with Psalms”

Psalm 95:2

Once more we see that entering God’s presence, with awareness and understanding, is cause for great joy and thanksgiving on our part!

For the past two days I have been sharing with you from the 100th Psalm which declares, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise” (Vs 4). Entering His gates and courts, the gates and courts of the temple, is synonymous with our coming before “His presence with thanksgiving.”

For you and I, as blood washed and Spirit filled New Covenant children of God, we know that God’s presence dwells within us and we have become His temple. As the apostle Paul wrote, “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1st Corinthians 3:16).

So, for us today, we are magnificently privileged to “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise” freely and continually, with no obstacles.

Every time we “come before His presence with thanksgiving” we are supremely blessed to be in the presence of our living God, that we may know and experience even more of His presence within us.

This just makes me want to run to the temple that is within me throughout every day.

Yes, learn to start each day in your inner temple, in His presence, and carry His presence with you throughout each day.

If you feel as if His presence is slipping away, then just re-enter your temple, for even a moment, with thanksgiving and praise, and “come before His presence with thanksgiving.”

God’s presence, when invoked and recognized within, is a continual source of joy and strength for us.

Avail yourself today of this blessed river of living water, constantly flowing and bubbling up to life eternal within you. Yes, “come before His presence with thanksgiving.” And, while you are at it, “let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.” Try shouting joyfully to your Lord in His presence with a praising Psalm. You are actually obeying and fulfilling God’s word, in His presence, when you do this. You bless your Lord so much when you honor His presence. Hallelujah!

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