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I Will Keep Watch To See What He Will Speak To Me

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

I Will Keep Watch To See What He Will Speak To Me

“I will stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart; and I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me”

Habakkuk 2:1

Hallelujah, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, when you and I minister to our Lord in His presence we are standing on our guard post! What God reveals to us of Himself through His word, as we are in His presence, keeping watch, is not only for our benefit, as individual priests, but is indeed a great benefit for the entire body of Christ, to keep God’s church safe from harm by perpetually directing all true believers to our ark of safety in Christ.

This is how I “station myself” before our Lord, as a disciple of Jesus Christ and as a priest under my great High Priest, our indwelling resurrected Messiah, specifically to meet with Him in my inner room, to bless and praise His holy name, for He is always worthy to be praised, and to “keep watch to see what He will speak to me.”

The rampart, literally, was part of a city’s or castle’s defenses. Stationing ourselves on the rampart, in the Spirit, speaks of our being a defender of the true body of Christ, to keep error, lies, and sin out, while always holding fast to our banner, our standard, the One Who is all truth and only truth, our “Lord” and “Priest forever” (Psalm 110: 1&4), Jesus Christ.

I hope you see this blessed added dimension to our ministering to our Lord, that while we abide with Jesus Christ and Abba Father in real time, in His presence, in His Spirit, being filled and blessed while we bless our Lord, as always, we are also, in our priesthood, holy defenders of sacred truth, for our God and for the body of Christ, which Scripture declares our Lord Christ Himself “purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God” (Revelation 5: 9&10).

We have been purchased with the New Covenant blood of our Savior specifically so He would give us to our Father God as His always desired kingdom of priests (see Exodus 19: 3-6). We are who God says we are, His priesthood, and therefore we meet with Him to minister to Him. While we are meetimg with Him, our God continues to build us up in Him so we may be strong in Him and also strong for His church which belongs to Him.

Beloved priest of God, when you take that special time to meet with, abide with, and minister to your Lord of love, please know that your time in His presence not only fortifies you in Christ, but it also is God’s will that His priesthood should fortify and protect the entire body of Christ. So, I invite you this day, with great clarity and joy, to “stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart; and I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me.” Amen, God will speak to you of Himself and He will reveal through His word things to you concerning Himself. Yes be blessed today in His presence. May we all minister to our Lord and become a great love covering of wisdom and protection for the entire body of Christ. Hallelujah!

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