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Affirming Favor Over Fear

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Affirming Favor Over Fear

“The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid Mary; for you have found favor with God’”

Luke 1:30

God’s favor, freely given to you in abundance in Jesus Christ, is the perfect antidote for any and all fears.

“Do not be afraid” (please insert your name here) “for you have found favor with God.”

Yes, for sure, we can always look at our fears. But wouldn’t it be far better for us if we would look at God’s favor rather than our fears?

This verse indicates that looking at God’s favor actually dispels fear! How awesome is that!

Oh hallelujah, beloved child of God, if any fear ever raises it’s head, just immediately look at, receive, and praise your loving Lord for giving you His favor.

God’s favor is greater than any fear. Let us extol His favor. Our fears are so small, when placed next to the resurrection-life-favor-of-God living within us now and forever, in Jesus Christ.

We can think about fear or we can think about favor. What does the angel Gabriel tell us to do - “Do not be afraid, for you have found favor with God.”

Today, affirm the favor of God given to you abundantly in Jesus Christ. Yes, let God’s favor free you from all fears. Amen and Hallelujah!

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