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The Helper Testifies Of Jesus To Us

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

The Helper Testifies Of Jesus To Us

“When the Helper comes, Whom I will send from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me”

John 15:26

God’s Holy Spirit, our Helper, is inside of us right now testifying of Jesus.

God’s Holy Spirit is telling us constantly, in every way, to: look to Jesus, trust Jesus, praise Jesus, understand Jesus, walk in the yoke of rest with Jesus.

This is the best help our Helper can help us with; to be strong and ever aware of our loving Savior, Who has faithfully committed His Own Spirit to us specifically to help us by testifying of Jesus to us.

God’s Holy Spirit is here to bless us with continual life-giving, life-renewing fellowship in our every thought, praise, prayer and remembrance of Jesus Christ. All we need to do is receive, agree with, and listen intently to the Spirit of God within testifying of Jesus to us.

What a divine help and grace we have been given, that our Helper is ever at the ready to direct us graciously, whenever we incline our hearts, to Jesus Christ our real and present abundant life.

Let the “Helper” help you today. Let the “Helper” help you through your attuning your new self to the testimony of Jesus in you, for this indeed is the purpose of “the Spirit of truth” within you Hallelujah!

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