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Strength And Beauty Are In His Sanctuary

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Strength And Beauty Are In His Sanctuary

“Splendor and majesty are before Him, strength and beauty are in His sanctuary”

Psalm 96:6

When you draw near to God, to minister to Him, in adoration and worship, you are stepping into the presence of splendor, majesty, strength and beauty.

For God’s Own glory and for your own eternal benefit, I encourage you to please be sure to acknowledge and recognize these qualities of your God when you enter His presence.

The more and the closer that you draw near to your Lord, the more clearly these qualities will appear to you; to bless you, to fortify you, and to make you even more desirous of entering the presence of your beloved Savior and High Priest.

God lovingly draws you to Himself so that you may be with Him in His presence, experiencing the refreshment and renewal that surely comes graciously as you behold Him.

Yes, as we saw yesterday, “In Your presence is fullness of Joy” (Psalm 16:11), and a big part of this joy is your being bathed in God’s splendor, majesty, strength, and beauty as you minister to Him. Praise His name!

Remember, as a born again and beloved child of God, you have become “His sanctuary,” His dwelling place, so avail yourself, as often as you can, of the blessed light of renewal that dwells in the presence of the splendor, majesty, strength, and beauty of your God Who lovingly is calling you to Himself.

Rejoice as a priest in the inner sanctuary of your God today! Rejoice in His splendor, His majesty, His strength, and His beauty! Hallelujah!

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