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Learning Of The Sympathy Of Jesus Our High Priest

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Learning Of The Sympathy Of Jesus Our High Priest

“We do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things, as we are, yet without sin”

Hebrews 4:15 Yesterday I shared with you the word in Hebrews 3:1 for us to “consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession,” along with the truth that, in recognizing ourselves as a kingdom of priests, ministering to the Lord, as “partakers of a heavenly calling” - this is what awakens us to our own interest in, realization of, and understanding of our most blessed “High Priest of our confession,” Jesus Christ.

Learning of Jesus, as our High Priest, helps us immensely as we minister to the Lord, and as we live among people.

For instance, here, in this verse from Hebrews chapter four, we see the sympathy of Jesus, specifically as our High Priest, towards us.

Our High Priest is not harsh. He is sympathetic towards us and towards our weaknesses.

This knowledge is intended to melt you and draw you even closer, in love, and complete trust, into the presence of Christ, your High Priest.

He is so good and sympathetic.

Jesus has been through everything that you go through (and much more), yet He sympathizes with you.

He understands things from your perspective, doesn’t judge you, but sympathizes with you, and the goal of His sympathy is always to draw you to Him, so that He may heal you and renew you in His light and life and presence.

Everything Jesus Christ does for you as your High Priest is done in love.

Your High Priest’s sympathy is here right now to draw you near, to Him.

Your High Priest’s sympathy is also here right now so that you may become more sympathetic to others, being a minister of your own sympathetic Lord in this extremely unsympathetic world.

Today, as you minister as a priest to your Lord, allow the High Priest of your confession, Jesus Christ, to draw near to you and minister His sympathy to you. Become a vessel, being filled with His sympathy and grace in His presence, and then go forth with His sympathy into this world, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah!

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