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Worship at His Footstool

Today’s Word of Encouragement From Wayne:

Worship at His Footstool

“Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His footstool; Holy is He”

Psalm 99:5

What a blessing it is to know that we are exalting the Lord our God whenever we worship at His footstool!

God is exalted, in our lives and in His church, when His children draw near to His presence, humbly and intimately, at His footstool, in order to worship Him, for “Holy is He.”

Anyone can say that they exalt the Lord, but this Scripture shows us how to actually exalt our Lord in real time: let us draw near to Him so we may worship at His footstool.

We exalt God over our own lives when we come to worship at His footstool.

We show God, in actual time spent, that He is number one in our lives, the love of our lives, when we regularly visit with and exalt our God through spending intimate time, worshiping at His footstool.

“Holy is He!” Oh yes, every time we worship God at His footstool, we are the ones who are blessed to know, “Holy is He!” We are the ones changed for the better knowing, through worshiping at His footstool, that our God is holy, and glorious, and good, and loving, and healing, our Lord of Lords, and we are the one who are blessed as ministers in His presence.

Draw near to His footstool this day and worship. Realize how highly blessed and favored you are to have such an awesome invitation for transformation, all in the very presence of God as you adore your Lord. “Holy is He!” Hallelujah!

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