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Our Cup Overflows

Today’s Word of Encouragement From Wayne:

Our Cup Overflows

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows”

Psalm 23:5

O Lord, our cup overflows with all of the great things that You have done for us and for Who You are to us.

You are our Good Shepherd in all things.

Thank You for Your loving kindness.

Thank You for calling us to Yourself; for salvation, restoration, and sanctification, that we may know we truly belong to You.

We are the happiest when we are in Your presence, Abba Father, beholding Your beauty, O Lord our God.

Thank You for drawing us nearer still, to be a kingdom of priests to You that we may feed from the very best of You, Yourself, within the intimacy of Your inner court.

Thank You for the constancy of Your presence within us, O Immanuel, for always preparing the table before us that we may come to you and feed, glorifying You, being strengthened and renewed in You, even as we abide in Your divine love.

Our cup overflows, Lord.

Thank You for this table, this anointing, this experience of abundant life, of sacred life, in Your presence.

Our cup overflows.

Thank You for first loving us, that we may know You and love You. O Lord we love You, we praise You, and we pray in Jesus’s Name that Your entire church, world wide, will fully awaken, now, to You, to Your purpose, and to our priesthood in You, our God, that Your will may be known and done through Your people in this world. Yes Lord we pray that all Christians everywhere will become so filled with You that all will declare, “our cup overflows.” Oh yes, may this happen soon we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank You Lord. Our cup overflows. Hallelujah!

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