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Our Path Of Life In God’s Presence

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Our Path Of Life In God’s Presence

“You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever”

Psalm 16:11

Praise God; the path of life, it seemed for David, was the path that led him into “Your presence,” for it was in God’s presence that David’s “fullness of joy” dwelt. David knew there were “pleasures forever” awaiting him, at God’s right hand, as he ministered to His Lord.

The path of life for us, today, in Jesus Christ is the exact same; the path that leads us into God’s presence where our own “fullness of joy” resides and where we experience “pleasures forever” in ministering to our God as His present day “royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9).

The apostle Peter quoted this verse of David’s from Psalm 16 on the day of Pentecost, as he was explaining and describing to the crowd of people that had gathered, about the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon His church. Peter was stating that this promise is fulfilled and for now, for us, in Jesus Christ.

I praise God that Jesus Christ is the precise fulfillment of this word from David. Jesus Christ is our abundant life, our resurrection life, and our eternal life path of life, Who is always saying “come to Me that you might live.”

The apostle Paul declared “For to me, to live is Christ” (Philippians 1:21). Amen.

The difference between what Peter said on the day of Pentecost from what David originally said was this. David wrote, “You will make known to me,” whereas Peter said, “You have made known to me” meaning, bless His holy name, that Jesus Christ has become, and is, our way, our truth, and our (path of) life (John 14:6), fulfilling this Scripture in Himself for us, that we may know Him and the pleasures in His presence ever increasingly!

Follow your path of life into the presence of God today where there awaits for you “fullness of joy” and “pleasures forever.” Bless His name! Praise Him and thank Him! Hallelujah!

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