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Have Confidence To Enter The Holy Place

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Have Confidence To Enter The Holy Place

“Since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh, and since we have a great high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a sincere heart” Hebrews 10:19-22

Jesus Christ, our glorious Savior and High Priest, has opened up “the holy place” for us, through His own blood, specifically so we will “have confidence to enter.”

This scripture is exhorting us all to “draw near” to our High Priest in the holy place which has been opened up for us “by the blood of Christ.”

When you minister to the Lord, do you see from this Scripture how much you are deeply honoring your God? Jesus has paid dearly, in His Own blood, to open the holy place specifically so we would “have confidence to enter.” How many people are entering?

What happens in the holy place? We enter the holy place every time we minister to the Lord, for this is where ministering to the Lord takes place, in the inner court of our being. We are a temple of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ is the High Priest of our temple. We enter our temple to minister to God through Jesus Christ. You honor the blood of Christ when you minister to the Lord, for His blood has opened this “new and living way,” and God clearly wants us to “enter the holy place.”

Ministering to the Lord is saying “yes” to all that our High Priest has given us.

Ministering to the Lord is saying “yes” to Who our High Priest is.

I pray that the entire body of Christ will come to know that, right now in this present moment, we have “a great high priest over the house of God” Who is calling us to “draw near with a sincere heart.”

It would be powerfully and transformationally beautiful for “the house of God” in this day if all true believing Christians everywhere would rise up in the knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ our High Priest and the purpose of His priestly Headship “over the house of God.”

There is so much specific knowledge of God for us to receive and understand, and become transformed by, through our drawing near to Christ our High Priest. God has given us “confidence” so we may “draw near” to Him in His presence. Draw near now and minister to your Lord. Hallelujah!

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