How We Strengthen Ourselves In The Lord Our God - Part 3 (In The Morning)
Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

"But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength; yes, I shall joyfully sing of your lovingkindness in the morning, for You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of distress"
Psalm 59:16
If you want to know, and grow in the knowledge of, God as your stronghold, then learn to bless and confess His lovingkindness and strength in the morning, as soon as you awaken. Establish Who your strength is right away, every day. "Joyfully sing" of His lovingkindness in the morning, which strengthens you in the Lord your God, and you will be less likely to fall apart "in the day of distress."
Practice His praises on a regular basis, in His presence, and you will come to know God as your "refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). I encourage you to strongly, pro-actively, take hold of your stronghold this very day and minister to God in the refuge of His presence. "Awake, my glory! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. I will give thanks to You, O Lord" (Psalm 57:8) is what David wrote when he had fled from Saul in the cave.
When you and I learn, through practice, the benefits and the blessing of going to God first, top of the day every day, praising and glorying in Him, then we are in a position, from that moment forward, to effectually know God as our One true strength. David knew and confessed God this way.
So let us learn what we can from David, concerning how he "strengthened Himself in the Lord His God" (1st Samuel 30:6), and awakening the dawn with praise was definitely something David extolled and recommended. I recommend this too. Bless God as soon as you arise. Thank You Lord. Hallelujah!
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