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Our Resting Place

Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

"In returning and rest ye are saved, in keeping quiet and in confidence is your might"

Isaiah 30:15 (Young’s Literal Translation)

It is so important that we learn to appreciate the great gift of resting in God. We rest in Who He is and in all that He has done for us. This is the foundational basis of our spiritual life, our higher life in Jesus Christ as priests to our God. Yesterday we saw that in Jesus Christ we have become for our Lord "a place where I may rest" (Isaiah 66:1). And now we see that we rest in Him. Oh the blessed fellowship of resting together with our Lord in His presence. We rest in the beauty of our God (Psalm 27:4) and in the knowledge of who we are, as God’s beloved children.

Yes in His presence there is true restorative "rest for your souls," just as our Savior said (Matthew 11:29). This is the place we rest for we understand that here is where our true life exists; Jesus Christ is in us and we are in Him. Our resting place is the conscious awareness of God’s presence and our taking the time to actually dwell with Him in His presence, ministering to Him even as we rest in Him "in the secret place of the Most High" (Psalm 91:1 Young’s Literal Translation).

Return to God now, in His presence, and rest, "keeping quiet and in confidence," allowing His peace and rest to touch you, soothe you, and renew "confidence" within you. Hallelujah.

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