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David Ministered To The Lord From An Early Age

Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

"Upon You I was cast from birth; You have been my God from my mother’s womb"

Psalm 22: 10

Perhaps being the youngest of eight sons was not so easy for David. Maybe, with such a large family, there was not much time or attention given to David. We know that when Samuel came to Jesse’s house, his seven sons, minus David, were ready for Samuel to see them, while David was left out in the fields with the sheep. David’s own testimony, from the 22nd Psalm, indicates that as far back as he could remember, he had been with the Lord, "Upon You I was cast from birth." David may have, just like Samuel, begun ministering to the Lord from a young age. Samuel ministered to the Lord in a temple while David was out in the fields, learning about ministering to the Lord from the Lord his Shepherd.

Maybe when David wrote in his next Psalm, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" (Psalm 23:1), he was expressing his satisfaction in God’s presence, realizing and praising God that He had become his fullness, his portion, his family, his friend who sticks closer than a brother. The many words about ministering to the Lord that flow from the Psalms of David tell me that David had a highly developed life in, and understanding of, being a minister to the Lord in His presence. There is a seasoned maturity in the numerous declarations and insights David shares concerning ministering to the Lord. I am grateful that, as a baby Christian more than 40 years ago, God introduced me to ministering to the Lord.

I encourage you to begin today, no matter what has gone on before, with regular child-like faith, hope, and love in ministering to the Lord in the presence of your Abba Father. Samuel and David got an early start with ministering to the Lord and look how blessed of God they were. You and I can begin anew and afresh today, and then gloriously continue on, into and through all eternity, ministering to our Lord in His awesome presence, now and forever. As a born again beloved child of God in this day, minister to your Lord, realize Him to be your God from the womb, the God over your whole life, and praise His holy name. Hallelujah!

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