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"Let's Talk About Jesus" Renewal for 2014

Dear Child of God,

Grace and peace to you in abundance through Christ our Savior, Who was born into this world so that we may be born again in Him forever!

May God bless you, every day, to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8) so you may always “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18).

I praise God for the life He is continuing to minister and the lives He is changing as we continue to glorify Him, in this my 37th year of hosting “Let’s Talk About Jesus.”

I hope the truly wonderful testimonies throughout our web site to you will bless and encourage you in our loving Lord, Jesus Christ.

I write this to ask for your prayerful Christian support for “Let’s Talk About Jesus” in this month of December as we seek renewal for 2014. I hope to reach our goal of $328,000 this month so we may remain on each of our stations and times into this coming year, as we continue to “proclaim Him, so that we may present every man complete in Christ” (Colossians 1:28).

Reaching our goal this month will allow us, for the next six months, to dedicate the maximum amount of time in each edition of “Let’s Talk About Jesus” towards actual ministry, teaching, taking calls, and praying with people. Falling short of our goal may cause us to lose stations, and could threaten the continuation of this ministry.

I praise our Lord for allowing “Let's Talk About Jesus” to be here for all these years and I pray we will be blessed to continue this important Christ-centered ministry of daily fellowship, available to all, in the grace and New Covenant of our risen and indwelling Lord Jesus.

I encourage you to participate as often as you are able in our fellowship of “Let's Talk About Jesus” either live on the radio or later here at our website, “that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man” (Ephesians 3:16).

God is doing great things as we gather together each day and we are blessed to actively fellowship in Jesus Christ our living God. Join us often and keep the flow of God’s grace richly alive in your life!

These past five years have been the most difficult ever, financially speaking. We are in a new time slot in New York, once again at 11:30AM, which is wonderful, but we only have a half hour now - and the rates are going up every three months currently.

I pray in Jesus’ precious name for the grace and support needed so we may remain on the air in New York, which is where I first began broadcasting the Gospel and the Christ-centered Life back in 1977.

I have written a new daily devotional book, with a special, singular in-depth focus upon, and fellowship with, Christ our Good Shepherd titled, 30 Days With Your Good Shepherd Jesus Christ.

I hope you will receive this book and actively participate in the daily devotional program I have outlined for you. The goal here is for you to experience 30 amazingly awesome life-transforming days with Christ your Good Shepherd, to be changed forever for the better as a beloved sheep of the Best Shepherd in the universe! (available with your Renewal Gift this month of $100 or more - thank you).

By the way, every day we are publishing my always brand new word of encouragement, both at our website and on Facebook (

I hope you will join in the blessed habit of reading Today's Word Of Encouragement. There is always a wonderful Scripture with my supportive sharing and insight into God’s word, written each day to build you up in Jesus our Blessed Savior.

We have also recently opened our Digital Content Library, where our books, worship music and messages are available in high-quality digital format, now more affordable and easier to get than ever.

Our digital resources are less expensive than their physical counterparts, there is no shipping & handling to worry about, and all your items can be downloaded immediately after purchase.

I pray “Let’s Talk About Jesus” has blessed, is blessing, and will always bless you with the truth that sets you free, and keeps you free, in Jesus Christ. Thank you for your every gift and prayer of support. It is the privilege of my life to serve our God in His harvest and I thank Him profusely for partners like you, who love Him and who partner with us that His Glorious Gospel may be heard, understood, and responded to by all.

May God bless you super abundantly this Christmas with an outpouring of Himself upon and within you and your loved ones.

In Jesus' Name and for His service,

Rev. Wayne Monbleau

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