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The Lord Is With Us When We Are With Him

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“‘The Lord is with you when you are with Him. And if you seek Him, He will let you find Him. For many days Israel was without the true God and without a teaching priest and without law.’”

2 Chronicles 15:2-3

Hallelujah! As ministers to the Lord in this day, having received and entered into our part in God’s “royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9), we know for sure the actual truth that “the Lord is with us when we are with him.”

When we enter our inner room, the inner court within us, the temple of the Holy Spirit within, we are entering specifically to be with our Lord and, therefore, we are blessed with the specific presence of God.

Religious people I have met, who know nothing of the priesthood, more often than not have an extremely (to me) distanced understanding of the statement “the Lord is with you when you are with Him.” To so many, unfortunately, it seems to be more like this; when we generally believe in God and Christ, that constitutes our being “with Him” and, therefore, now God is with us, meaning to many that God is on our side in this life.

There’s a big veil of separation, of spiritual dullness, hanging over the hearts of people who think like this and think no further. The truth I know is that every step closer we take to God the closer He is to us. This is not a presumption of a general statement of faith. This is a daily practice of specific faith for the true believer who actually wants to be with and experience God’s presence, coming fully over to God’s side. Being on God’s side is agreeing with who God says we are ( “a royal priesthood”) and then living this identity out, in which we are so greatly favored and blessed to receive the actual truth that “the Lord is with us when we are with Him.”

Yes, praise His name beloved child of God. Be with your Lord today, as a priest, in His presence, and realize He is with you when you are with Him. Bless Him! And then become “a teaching priest” and proclaim this blessed truth to the body of Christ.


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