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The Kingdom Of Heaven Within You

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“Now Samuel was ministering before the Lord, as a boy”

1 Samuel 2:18

This verse reminds me of what our Savior, Jesus Christ, declared when he said “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).

Ministering to the Lord is entering the kingdom of heaven, which is within us, because of our indwelling resurrected Lord of Life, Jesus Christ.

God is looking for true followers today who will be “converted and become like children,” like Samuel, and enter the kingdom of heaven to minister to the Lord.

Each of us have been given the spirit of the living God, dwelling within us. We have become a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16). So let us minister to our Lord in simple childlike faith and let us grow up strong and tall in His presence.

Ministering to the Lord is our pro-actively occupying the temple within us, being filled with the praises and the presence of our living God.

Beloved child of God, embrace the kingdom of God within you, minister to your lord and bless His name.

Let us become, as the church of Jesus Christ, the people of God’s presence in this day, His Own humble, joyful, anointed, and appointed kingdom of priests, who have been thoroughly “converted and become like children,” all for the glory of our God, Who loves us, has saved us, and now dwells within us, that we might be filled with His presence and become vessels of His message of salvation and eternal life to this ever darkening world in which we oh so temporarily live.

Oh yes, minister to the Lord as His child today, even as Samuel did in his day.

May God surround you with His powerful loving presence as you step into the temple within you to offer Him devotion and love, for He is worthy!

Ministering to the Lord is like bathing yourself in the most excellent worthiness and praises of our God.


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