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The Glory Of The Lord Filled The House

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“The Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court; and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house”

Ezekiel 43:5

What a beautiful progression the Holy Spirit unfolds for us through Ezekiel’s words here.

Ezekiel, himself, was a priest of God, who subsequently received a prophetic call from God. So Ezekiel, in many ways, was the perfect prophet and spokesperson for God, to call God’s people towards a truly holy inner court priesthood unto the Lord.

Step one in this passage is “The Spirit lifted me.” Step two is “and brought me into the inner court.” Step three is “and behold, the glory of the Lord.” Which brings us to step four, “the glory of the Lord filled the house.”

Let God’s Holy Spirit lift you today, to bring you into the inner court, where you will behold the glory of the Lord. And then remain in God’s presence, ministering to the Lord, waiting upon the Lord, until the glory of the Lord fills your inner house!

Your house may be filled immediately with the glory of the Lord, or the glory may increase in your awareness as you minister to your Lord in His presence.

In either case, the glory of the Lord always fills the inner court of His house. It is we who need to “behold” this glory and abide with our Lord in His presence, so we may see and be benefitted by the truth that the glory of the Lord always fills the inner court of His house within us.

The next time you consider how your own ministering to the Lord is going, I hope you will be blessed to joyfully say, “It’s going great, for ‘The glory of the Lord filled the house.’”

Today, beloved, let the Spirit lift you and bring you into your inner court, so you may behold the glory of the Lord filling your house.


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