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Singing Our New Song To The Body Of Christ

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“‘I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon and those who dwell in darkness from the prison. Behold the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.’ Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing His praise from the end of the earth!”

Isaiah 42:6-7,9-10

Bless God; for Christ, our “covenant,” is intended to be “ a light to the nations,” opening “blind eyes,” bringing prisoners and “those who dwell in darkness” out from the dungeon and prison of sin into the light of Him. These prophetic words were declared “before they spring forth.”

Praise God, my brothers and sisters in Christ, because now, for us, this word has been fulfilled, in Jesus. Let us sing this “new song” of the “new things” God has done for us through Jesus Christ, Who God our Father has appointed “as a covenant to the people.”

The former things of the Old Covenant have come to pass and now we are living and loving in a New Covenant. As ministers of our Lord, who have seen, accepted, and yielded to the truth of our declared priesthood to God (1st Peter 2: 5-9, Revelation 1: 5-6), let us sing and praise God with our “new song” of new life through His New Covenant.

So many, in the body of Christ, remain blind to the new covenant. Many languish still in dungeons and prisons of sin, darkness, and confusion. Still others unknowingly shred and divide God’s church over points which themselves would be moot if all would truly see, accept, and yield to the new covenant, which as we have seen in this prophetic word from Isaiah, is Christ Himself.

Christ is our covenant. Let us honor our Lord by becoming fully aware of and fully yielded to Christ our covenant. He is the healing for His Own body. “Come to Me” is His word for everyone, everywhere, all the time. By honoring our Lord and His covenant first, we truly are believing and confessing that Jesus Christ, right now, is the living, resurrected, and present Head of His body, the church.

Let us sing, and keep singing, this new song of the covenant, of the new things given us in Christ “until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

The New Covenant in Christ is “light” to us. Without the New Covenant, God’s church remains in a profound theological darkness, which constantly diminishes and replaces Jesus with other things, and therefore the body of Christ remains divided and fractured with competing messages which are all, ultimately, contrary to complete submission to Jesus Christ and the covenant God has appointed us in Christ.

This is why we need to sing our new song. Yes we need to preach the message and truth of the New Covenant. But God’s covenant, given to us in Christ, is so great, so grand, and so glorious that we really must sing and praise our Lord for the “new things” He has given us in His New Covenant through Christ.

Behold, see, and receive your “new things” today and then start singing! Hallelujah!

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