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Remain In His Hand

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand”

John 10:27-18

Stay in the hand of your Good Shepherd. Remain by His side, as close as you can be, and you will never have to worry about ever being “snatched” out of His hand.

The fact is, you truly are in His hand, right now.

Yet isn’t it our own thoughts (or sometimes the thoughts of others) that can so often seemingly “snatch” us away from the reality of our complete safety with our Shepherd, Who strongly stands guard over us, protecting us with His presence?

We are in His hand, yet we can so easily live as if we are not in His hand, and that’s when the troubles of this world and our own sense of our imperfections to handle things can overwhelm us, even though we are in His hand.

If we are in His hand then let us, by all means, enjoy and be refreshed continually with this great truth that “no one will snatch them out of My hand.”

Our Good Shepherd is greater than any trial we will ever face. He has committed Himself completely to us, so what we really need to do is remember, today and every day, where we are and who we are.

We are in the hand of our Good Shepherd, Who is protecting and holding us close to His heart, His own precious beloved sheep!

God’s protective hand feels good. Rest, snuggle in His hand, and be at peace with your Good Shepherd.

All is well, for your Shepherd stands watch over you, holding you safely to His heart in His hand. Hallelujah!

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