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Praise Sets The Ambush

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“‘You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf.’ When they began singing and praising, the Lord set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, so they were routed”

2 Chronicles 20:17&22

What a blessing it is for you and I to know that when we minister to our Lord, as His kingdom of priests (Revelation 1:5-6), that not only do we honor and glorify our God, and experience the joy of His presence, but we also allow God to ambush the enemy for us!

When you praise in His presence, this sets up a release of God’s power “on your behalf.”

There’s a relationship between our being with our Lord first and foremost, “singing and praising,” and our ability to see the enemy being ambushed by God.

You see, when the enemy attacks us, the enemy desires to fill us with fear, dread, unbelief, panic, and separation from God.

So, when we put on our priestly garments instead, at the first hint of attack, and “station” ourselves in our Lord’s presence, and begin “singing and praising,” this takes the enemy by surprise.

God ambushes the enemy with our praise!

Our praising and invoking the presence of our Lord causes the enemy to flee and “so they were routed.”

What a blessed way God has given us to win the battle, by ministering to our Lord, in His awesome presence, which releases His power to be strong on our behalf!

In this sense, ministering to the Lord is definitely fighting the good fight. Instead of fighting in the flesh, we immediately (by God’s grace) plug into God’s temple within us, as His humble, grateful, and loyal priesthood, and we begin “singing and praising.” It is then that our God is released to be strong on our behalf, and He completely routes the enemy. Oh, beloved of God, see this and receive this.

Yes child of God, this day “stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf” as you “station yourself” in His presence and begin “singing and praising,” for God truly uses your praise to ambush and defeat the enemy.


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