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Our Spiritual Communion

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“The priests who are near the Lord shall eat the most holy things”

Ezekiel 42:13

Eating and digesting God’s word within God’s presence, as His priest, guarantees you the brightest possible light upon God’s word as you read and feed. Jesus Christ is our bread of life, our daily bread, and the nearer we draw to Him, as priests in His presence, the more we become aware of His holiness and the blessed spiritual communion we are graced with, to feed from Him in His Own presence.

In His presence everything is holy and we are awakened to see the holy in His presence. This beautiful light, His light, the light of Him Himself, shows us the “most holy things” and now we are blessed to eat with greater joy, reverence, awareness, and gratitude as humble priests before our Lord in His presence.

We worship in His presence for He is so good. He bathes us with His light, His love, His shining face upon us even as we worship (see 2nd Corinthians 4:6).

Worshiping in His presence enables us to “eat the most holy things” for, as we worship, we are truly, in that moment, “the priests who are near the Lord,” and our gracious Lord delights to feed us and strengthen us in Himself even as we minister unto Him!

Reading God’s word with a worshipful heart within God’s presence and light each day is such a divine blessing, for you will find yourself eating “the most holy things” with an ever-increasing sense of joy, peace, understanding, and satisfaction than ever before.

Beloved priest of God (Revelation 1:5-6, 5:9-10), draw near and commune with your Lord in His presence today with thanksgivings and let Him bless you with His Own “most holy things.”


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