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Opening Our Treasures

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“After coming into the house they saw the child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh”

Matthew 2:11

The Magi came into the house, saw Jesus, fell to the ground, worshiped Him, and then they opened their treasures and gave them to Christ.

Let us do the same.

Let us come into God’s house today. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Let us go into our inner room, the room within us, and let us see Jesus, be humble before Jesus, and worship Jesus.

Then, in God’s presence, let us open our treasures. Let us behold in the light of His presence, our treasures, and let us give gifts to our Lord.

The magi gave gifts, to show that they indeed recognized Jesus as Messiah and King, and their gifts were given to honor Him as King.

Give the gift of yourself to God, in His presence. You honor your King and Messiah when you draw near to Him. Come into His house, see Him, and worship Him. In His presence is the best place for you to recognize and appreciate your treasures.

Your worship is a gift you give. Gifts that you give for God’s service and for the sake of the gospel honor your Messiah.

Yes, open your treasures in His presence, in a spirit of worship, and give to your Lord Jesus. You will be grateful, and blessed, that you have done this. Hallelujah!

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