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How We Strengthen Ourselves In The Lord Our God - Part 2

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“O my strength, I will sing praises to You; for God is my stronghold, the God who shows me lovingkindness”

Psalm 59:17

Beloved child of God, sing praises to God “O my strength” and you will be strengthening yourself in the Lord!

Once we have entered the presence of our Lord, as priests to minister to our God, which always strengthens us in our identity in Christ, we are then further strengthened as we praise our God for Who He is (“my stronghold”) and for what He has done (“who shows me lovingkindness”).

This is always the heart, the essence, and substance, of our praise.

We worship God for Who He is and for what He has done.

Count your blessings before God in His presence. Go through your own personal list of Who God is to you and what He has done for you. You will be strengthening yourself in the Lord when you do this.

“O my strength, I will sing praises to you.” This is what David declared. Why was David singing praises to God and calling Him “O my strength” in this verse? David was once again strengthening himself in the Lord during a difficult time. Psalm 59 began with David saying “Deliver me from my enemies O my God.”

May we all blessedly learn to sing praises to our God in His presence and declare Him to be “O my strength” in any and every day of trouble. May this always be our first response in any time of difficulty, to humbly and gratefully enter the presence of God our “stronghold,” “who shows us lovingkindness.”

“God is my stronghold” is what David proclaimed and now, for us in Jesus Christ, God has become our indwelling tower of strength and our stronghold for all that we face in life.

Our God is “The God who shows me lovingkindness.” When we are ministering in God’s presence as His “royal priesthood” (1st Peter 2:9), we are graced to behold His nature (“to behold the beauty of the Lord” as David wrote in Psalm 27:4), and God’s nature to us is one of pure lovingkindness to all of His Own beloved children.

Yes beloved, minister to your Lord this day, for He is good, He is worthy, He is beautiful, He is “O my strength,” and understand that every time you enter His presence, confessing Him, you are strengthening yourself in the Lord your God.


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