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Give Thanks “For Your Name Is Near”

Today's Word Of Encouragement From Wayne: “We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks, for Your name is near”

Psalm 75:1

Oh hallelujah, beloved of God, here is yet another great reason for you and I to be praising God this day, throughout this day, and every day; “for Your name is near.”

Because of our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ, Whom we have given our lives to in the reception of Him as our God and our new life, He now lives within us!

His name is so near to us that it is in us!

Right now in this moment Jesus lives within us (Colossians 1:27) as “‘Immanuel,’ which translated means, ‘GOD WITH US’” (Matthew 1:23).

The very name of God our Savior, in itself, is given to us as a gift, to perpetually remind us that our Savior, “Immanuel,” is always with us, within us. Now that’s being as near as near can be.

The more we praise God that “Your name is near”, the more we will be consciously aware of His abiding presence. What a great gift for us to walk in each and every day.

We are the richer when we live a life of consistently praising our God, “for Your name is near,” and our praise proves, to God and to ourselves, that we know and highly value this sacred truth, of our Lord God’s indwelling name and presence.

Yes, give thanks because His name is near. His name is within you even as He, Himself, is within you. Your honest praise to God actually turns on the lights within you so you may behold and walk this day with your God of life and love. His name is so near! Hallelujah!

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