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I Will Praise The Lord  While I Live - Part 6

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

I Will Praise The Lord  While I Live - Part 6

“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, o my soul! I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God; Who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them; Who keeps faith forever. Who executes justice for the oppressed; Who gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free”

Psalm 146:1-2, 5-7

Let us continue beholding “how blessed” we are in our dedication to a life of perpetual praise unto our Lord God..

“How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God; Who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them; Who keeps faith forever” (Ps. 146: 5-6).

Just a reminder - we're talking about God, yes God, with a capital "G" Who “keeps faith forever.”

Hallelujah, our Lord is keeping us and our faith forever! So let’s make sure we keep ourselves in Him at all times.

This verse reveals the grandness of our God and what He creates, and then the beauty of our God and how He relates, to us.“Who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them” - this is how He creates; “and Who keeps faith forever” - this is how He relates.

Make sure you are not only receiving the glory and beauty in what God creates but also in how He relates to you.

He has made this world and He has made us as His Own new creations in this world, so we might know Him, and His power, and His presence, and His purpose, and His Person.

He “keeps faith forever.” He keeps our faith forever, so let us keep our faith in Him forever!

Praise God for this today, and rest in His keeping care of you.

“Who executes justice for the oppressed; Who gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free” (Ps. 146:7).

Here again is the character of our loving God. These are the issues that matter to our Lord, and these are our issues as well.

Praise God, He helps the oppressed - because no one else will. Praise God He helps the hungry - because no one else will. Praise God that He cares for the least of these so that we can know how much He cares for all of these.

Our God has saved us from oppression. Praise Him! Our God has fed us and healed our hunger. Sing praises to Him! Our God has set us free from the prison of sin and death. Let us praise Him forever, with our whole lives, for as long as we have our being!

Oh yes, how blessed we are that our help and our hope is in our Lord God, Who lives within us, keeping faith forever! Hallelujah!

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