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Beholding Him - Preparing You

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Beholding Him - Preparing You

“Behold, on the mountains the feet of Him who brings good news, who announces peace!”

Nahum 1:15

Hallelujah beloved, are you beholding your peaceful feet of good news today, prepared for you on the mountain of worship in our Lord, as you minister to Him and fellowship in His presence?

As Nahum indicates, this is definitely worth beholding!

Yes, thank God that He graces us and He renews us, in a most beautiful peaceful and peace-filled walk with Him, whenever we meet with Him on the inner mountain of our inner room, where we are blessed to minister to our Lord and to linger in His healing, renewing, and restorative presence. “Behold, on the mountains the feet of Him who brings good news, who announces peace” is our invitation to meet with our Lord, so he may prepare us, as we minister in His presence, by putting His profound peace all within and around us, and we blessedly leave this precious time with Him, “Having shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace” (Ephesians 6:15).

Amen! While we are praising Him, He is preparing us!

God prepares us to go forth from His mountain through our being blessed in His peace and renewed in His good news. He prepares us in His presence by putting His Gospel of peace on our feet, in our walk, in every step we take. Hallelujah! This is good news for us!

It’s not just that we are announcing peace with our lips. It’s more than that. It’s that God, in His love and wisdom, desires to make our lives a testimony of His peace. His peace is in our hearts and on our feet. Every step we take is a blessed announcement, to ourselves and to all others, of good news and peace.

Worshiping and being still with our God in His presence, in His environment of peace within us, with Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace, interceding for us (Psalm 110:4, Isaiah 9:6, Hebrews 7:24-25), fills us and keep us filled with the peace of God.

As always, we are so blessed to bless our Lord because we are so blessed when we bless our Lord.

Yes let us meet at our Lord’s glorious feet on His mountain. Let us allow Him to prepare us for life in this world today with His peace and good news, even as we minister to Him in His peace and good news. Hallelujah!

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