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The Holy Spirit Whom He Poured Out Upon Us

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

The Holy Spirit Whom He Poured Out Upon Us

"The Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior"

Titus 3:5-6

Bless the Lord O my soul! Beloved child of God, you are rich beyond all you could ever hope for in the Lord, your Good Shepherd.

God has “richly” poured out His Own Holy Spirit upon you, “through Jesus Christ our Savior.”

Our innermost beings have been, and continue to be, saturated with God's Own richness of life.

His Living Water has not been held back, not one drop, but has indeed been poured out upon us, richly, by our Lord Himself.

We are God's garden and look how lovingly He tends us -- pouring forth fully, and without reservation, the water of life, of His Own Holy Spirit.

How aware are you of God's Holy Spirit being poured out “richly”within you right now?

That's how rich you are right now.

So let us be fully awake, fully receptive, and fully aware, for God our abundantly loving Father is pouring His Holy Spirit upon us richly, right now, through Christ our Savior.

Shepherd me to You, my gracious Lord, my Good Shepherd. Thank You for the richness of Yourself that You pour out within me. Hallelujah!

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