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Behold The Lamb

Today’s Word Of Encouragement from Wayne:

Behold The Lamb

“The lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes”

Revelation 7:17

Do you know one of the best things about Christ our Good Shepherd, something that makes Him the best possible Shepherd ever, something that sets Him far apart and far above every other shepherd that has ever lived?

It is that our Shepherd became a lamb on our behalf, a sheep just like us.

Our Savior Jesus Christ has completely identified with us; all of our ways are intimately and sympathetically known to Him. By His Own free will and motivated by His Own love, our Good Shepherd entered into our experience of life, as a sacrificial lamb, and has seen life from the perspective of a sheep.

Even in heaven we still see our Shepherd as a lamb.

Let us never forget that, before we were blessed to become “the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand” (Psalm 95:7), our Good Shepherd first had to lay aside His Shepherd’s mantle and humble Himself to become a sheep.

“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,” John the Baptist declared of Jesus at His baptism (John 1:29).

Our precious Lamb of God died for us, the lost sheep, so we might become His Own sheep of His eternal pasture.

As lost sheep in this world, we were headed for the slaughterhouse and we didn’t know it. Jesus Christ, our lamb of God, saved us. He saved us from the slaughter house. He stepped into the line we were in, threw His body in front of ours, and upon Him the death stroke fell, instead of upon us. He loves us this much.

At Calvary we see our Shepherd dying to make us His sheep.

Such a supreme act of love is so magnificent, so transcendent, that throughout all eternity our Lord Jesus Christ will be known as “the Lamb in the center of the throne.”

Oh praise Him. Make room for the Lamb. Invite Him to sit on the center of the throne in your heart. Say, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing” (Revelation 5:12).

Today let the Lamb reign within you even while your Good Shepherd leads you. Hallelujah!

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