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Teaching Us About His Ways That We May Walk In His Paths

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Teaching Us About His Ways That We May Walk In His Paths

“‘Come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob, that He may teach us about His ways and that we may walk in His paths.’ For from Zion will go forth the law, even the word of the Lord from Jerusalem”

Micah 4:3

Beloved priest of God, when we minister to our Lord in His presence, in His house, ascending the mountain (the hill above all hills) to enter our inner room, even as we stand before Him in praise, He is always teaching us about His ways that we may walk in His paths as we stand before Him.

In the presence of our High Priest, Jesus Christ, as we minister before our Abba Father in worship, stillness, singing, and adoration, we are enabled in our priesthood to learn the ways of our High Priest, that we may walk in His paths.

Reading and meditating upon God’s word in His presence, even as we practice our priesthood before our Lord, allows the light of God’s presence and the Son of God to illuminate His word, pouring forth His true wisdom to us, “that He may teach us about His ways that we may walk in His paths.”

Ministering to our Lord, as a priest before our High Priest, is certainly a more full understanding of Jesus’ statement and invitation to “take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29).

In this most blessed and intimate yoke of our priesthood with our Savior, Lord, and High Priest forever, Jesus Christ, as we are before Him in His presence, He certainly does “teach us about His ways... that we may walk in His paths.”

In this way, as priests in His house, we are always greatly blessed to simultaneously learn of His word and of His nature, because we are actually with our Lord even as we read. This is a great joy and centering wisdom for us. In this bright light, of Christ Himself, we do learn of His ways that we may walk in His Own paths.

In this prophetic word of the Lord given through Micah, we are told this is the way it will be concerning the last days. This is what God has always wanted, for all people to truly draw to Him as near as near can be - in this case into His very house to learn directly of Him from Him.

As God’s chosen priesthood, we are regularly entering His house with love and devotion that we may learn of Him and of His ways, in a real time ministry to our Lord.

As we near the close of the prophets in the Old Testament, we see more and more prophetic words concerning God’s ultimate plan to bring forth Christ Himself as a New Covenant and priesthood for God’s people.

Minister with gratitude before God today, and thank Him for this most precious office and identity He has given us, to be His inner court priesthood. May this truth of our priesthood be received and lived in soon, within this generation, by the entire body of Christ. Hallelujah!

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