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Extolling Our Lord

Today’s Word of Encouragement From Wayne:

Extolling Our Lord

“I will extol You, my God, O King, and I will bless Your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord and highly to be praised”

Psalm 145:1-3

To extol your Lord is to keep Him ever before you, in praise and adoration, while your own spirit experiences renewal in His presence, through your every remembrance and proclamation of the greatness of the Lord.

David wrote, “On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wonderful works, I will meditate” (Verse 5). This is how to prepare for, and continue in, extolling the Lord. If praises are not immediately flying from your spirit to God in His presence, then meditate upon Who He is (“the glorious splendor of Your majesty”) and what He has done (“Your wonderful works”), and soon you will, like David, want to bless His name “forever and ever.”

Extol, bless, and praise the name of Jesus Christ, for “great is the Lord.” Extol, bless, and praise your Abba Father, for He is “highly to be praised.”

The Holy Spirit is within us, as Jesus Said in John’s Gospel, to testify of Jesus to us and to keep us in remembrance of “all that I said to you” (John 14: 26 / 15: 26). This means that God’s Spirit is within us right now, and ready to testify of Jesus to us.

By the Spirit of the Living God, let us enter His temple within, that we may be priests unto God, in His presence, extolling, blessing, and praising our God.

Let us testify of Jesus also, in His presence, by His Spirit, to give Him glory.

We are so blessed to bless our Lord. We are so favored to have this divine continuous access into God’s presence.

Extolling, blessing, and praising our God “every day,” as David wrote, keeps the reality of God’s inner temple and of our priesthood to Him ever before us in “the glorious splendor of Your majesty.”

Yes, let us all say to our Lord in His presence today, “I will extol You,” and then let the extolling, the praises, and the blessings begin, in this day, and “every day,” and “forever and ever.” Hallelujah!

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