“But The Boy Ministered To The Lord”
Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:
“Then Elkanah went to his home at Ramah. But the boy ministered to the Lord before Eli the priest”
1 Samuel 2:11
Samuel’s father went home to Ramah, “but the boy ministered to the Lord.”
This is the first time in scripture that the phrase “ministered to the Lord” appears.
Ministering to the Lord is so simple that even a child can do it.
However, ministering to the Lord is so special that only a child of God can do it.
The act of ministering to the Lord comes out of who we are. I am a minister to the Lord therefore I minister to the Lord.
Samuel, as a little child of three, had been brought up thus far by his mother, Hannah, who had dedicated him to the Lord. This was Samuel’s earliest identity - “I am dedicated to the Lord” and so, therefore, he ministered to the Lord.
This is the same holy imprint our God has graciously given us, when we received Christ and became born again new creations (John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17). As new born babes let us receive our holy new birth identity, as “a holy priesthood” (1st Peter 2:5), so we may begin, right away, just like Samuel, “Ministering to the Lord” (Acts 13:2).
It is as we minister to the Lord, that God strengthens us in His praises and presence. Look at how mighty a prophet Samuel became. But don’t fail to see that, as a little child, “the boy ministered to the Lord.”
Jesus Christ, our risen and indwelling High Priest, is calling us all to minister to God, and we are so strengthened and blessed beyond measure in our Lord when we do respond and minister to the Lord.
Today, allow your blessed child-like faith to draw you to, and keep you in, the presence of God as you minister in praises to your loving Abba Father. Hallelujah!
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