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Resting In Christ Instead Of Wrestling With The World

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Resting In Christ Instead Of Wrestling With The World

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”

Matthew 11:29 I encourage you to take the yoke of Jesus upon you when you go out into the world. There is no better way to go through each day than that of being in the yoke with your Savior, learning from Him and resting in Him, as you live in this world.

It was John who wrote of Jesus, “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Amen. Take the yoke of Jesus upon you right now and allow “He who is in you” to become greater than anything in this world. The power and safety conveyed in this verse is simply received and acknowledged within you as you walk through this day, and every day, joyfully aware of being in the yoke with Jesus.

Let the “gentle and humble” heart of your Savior show you, right now in this moment, how you can be resting in Him, instead of wrestling in the world.

This world is full of unrest and restlessness, but your Savior promises that you will always and only “ find rest for your souls” when you step into the yoke with Him.

A yoke is built for two. When you take the yoke of Jesus upon yourself, you are united with Him in a special closeness, a continual fellowship and protection in the presence of God.

Living in this world with the yoke of Jesus upon you allows you to behold God navigating your way through each day. He leads and you follow Him.

There is true rest awaiting you in the yoke of your Savior, because He is here right now to lead you and feed you in His presence.

The wisdom of your Savior, His gentle and humble heart, is here to fill you with Himself and to soften the harshness of this world as you live each day in the yoke with Him.

Yes, take His yoke upon you, be with Him, praise Him, rejoice in and learn from Him, for He is “gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Hallelujah!

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