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How Blessed We Are To Be Ministers Of The Sanctuary

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From The Lord:

How Blessed We Are To Be Ministers Of The Sanctuary

“It shall be the holy portion of the land; it shall be for the priests, the ministers of the sanctuary, who come near to minister to the Lord, and it shall be a place for their houses and a place for the sanctuary”

Ezekiel 45:4

Ministers to the Lord are “ministers of the sanctuary!” This is who and what we are!

Through our priesthood to God, we are forever moving closer and closer, in real time growth, to the sanctuary of the Lord.

As the years roll by in my priesthood to God, the call of God upon me is ever increasingly towards the Lord Himself, “that I may know Him” (Philippians 3:10), and so, like Paul, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).

Ministering to the Lord most definitely is “the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

When we first get saved, our initial level of awareness often is in ministering to people. Yes ministering the gospel of Christ to people is a sacred call of God given to each one of us.

If we do continuously draw near to our eternal identity in Christ as His priests, then we develop a blessed level of awareness about our ministering to the Lord. This is when ministering to the Lord becomes our first ministry, out of which arises our ministering the gospel of Christ to humanity. This spiritual reality mirrors the pattern of the old testament temple perfectly; of God being first, in the holy of holies, of ministering to the Lord being second, in the inner court, and then ministering to people is third, in the outer court.

I encourage you to joyously pursue your own ministering to the Lord, as His Own blood washed, New Covenant priest; to see your life, your house, your dwelling, as the “holy portion,” as a place for the sanctuary, being as close as you can be to the temple of God within you, and in that place learn to see and identify yourself, humbly and gratefully, as God’s Own Personal minister of the sanctuary.

This simple yet profound blessing for us, in recognizing ourselves as God’s present day “ministers of the sanctuary,” is that this truly IS who we are. We are no longer defined by this world or our by own works or by others for we have chosen “the good part” (Luke 10:42), our priesthood, and our identity now is in being a minister of His sanctuary, in real time, being “seated at our Lord’s feet, and listening to His word” (Luke 10:39).

I am grateful and blessed before God to enter this sacred presence, this gift, which is truly granted to us all in Jesus Christ, to be “the ministers of the sanctuary.” Yes, beloved, minister to God in the sanctuary today and give Him thanks, for He is worthy to receive your praises! Hallelujah!

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