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Once For All

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Once For All

“Every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, waiting from that time onward UNTIL HIS ENEMIES BE MADE A FOOTSTOOL FOR HIS FEET”

Hebrews 10:11-13

Our Lord Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, has made a once “for all time” sacrifice for our sins and has, in fulfilment of this prophecy of Psalm 110, “SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD.”

Once more we see the author of Hebrews tying together our Savior accomplishing the work of our salvation with fulfilling this part of the Psalm 110 prophecy concerning our Messiah King and High Priest (“The Lord says to my Lord: ‘Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet’” Psalm 110:1).

In chapter 1, the author of Hebrews wrote, “When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high” (Hebrew 1:3). Jesus sat down because His work was done. There are no more sacrifices for our High Priest to offer because He has offered one “for all time” pure sacrifice, of His Own New Covenant blood, to atone for our sins.

Describing this the author of Hebrews wrote, “When Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, He entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. For this reason He is the mediator of a new covenant” (Hebrews 9:11-12,15).

Praise God! As our resurrected High Priest, (“You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizadek” Psalm 110:4), Jesus Christ, “through His own blood... entered the holy place once for all.” It is also through the “new covenant” blood of Jesus that He was raised from the dead (Hebrews 13:20). Our resurrected Savior, as our high priest, has brought into “the holy place” His Own New Covenant blood, obtaining for us “eternal redemption,” “once for all,” and then He sat down.

Oh Hallelujah! Bless You Lord! You are so Faithful and True!

Beloved child and priest of God, praise your loving Lord in His presence for His “once for all” sacrifice for your sins and for your new life in His New Covenant.

Jesus sat down because His work was done. I encourage you to sit down with your Savior in His presence today, cease from your own works, rest in Him, trusting completely in His “once for all” work for you, and praise Him profusely! Hallelujah!

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