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How We Strengthen Ourselves In The Lord Our God - Part 4 (In The Night)

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

How We Strengthen Ourselves In The Lord Our God - Part 4 (In The Night)

“When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches, for You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to You”

Psalm 63:6-8

O bless the Lord that we are so privileged and equipped, by God’s Holy Spirit to strengthen ourselves in Him, in the Lord our God, in the evening, and as we retire for the night, and in any “night watches” we may have, by remembering and meditating upon the presence and the help of our God.

“In the shadow of Your wings” was a favorite expression of David’s, representing the complete safety and protection he felt under the caring, protective, and loving wings of God.

“In the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.” Praise God, let us do this as well.

Let us see God’s presence, within and over us, as the covering of His mighty wings, and let us sing for joy.

This certainly sounds a whole lot better, and more life strengthening, than worrying in the night, doesn’t it?

It seems to me that David didn’t want to miss a single opportunity to strengthen himself in the Lord His God (1st Samuel 30:6) through constantly ministering in His presence, in the shadow of His wings, with praises and songs of joy.

David strengthened himself in the Lord first thing in the morning (“I will awaken the dawn. I will give thanks to You, O Lord” Psalm 57: 8-9) and he continued to strengthen himself in the Lord in the night.

When David was by himself alone, he wasn’t really alone at all for He was with his Lord, joyful, singing, and clinging to God in the shadow of His wings.

Yes, beloved child of God, confess your Lord’s lovingkindness in the morning, throughout the day, and into “the night watches.”

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