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Receiving Your Anointing To Minister To The Lord

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Receiving Your Anointing To Minister To The Lord

“You shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, that they may minister as priests to Me”

Exodus 30:30

God considers ministering “as priests to Me” to be an anointing and an act of consecration.

In this day we, the body of Christ, have been freely offered and called to this same anointing and consecration, to be “a royal priesthood, a people for God’s Own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1st Peter 2:9).

O bride of Christ, step out of the “darkness” of separation into the anointing and consecration of “marvelous light” oneness, of our being God’s “royal priesthood” in His presence in this day.

God anoints us to be in His presence and He further anoints us as we are in His presence, ministering to Him.

Receive this gift, this holy anointing, of consecrating yourself to “minister as priests to Me.”

Ministering to the Lord helps us immensely in our ability to accurately minister the Gospel to people. The apostle Paul wrote, “be a minister of Jesus Christ to the gentiles, ministering as a priest the gospel of God” (Romans 15:16). When we minister the Gospel in the anointing of our priesthood, then both the message and our Spirit are in God’s anointed will.

Each time a believer receives and activates their own blessed anointing and consecration, of ministering as priests “to Me,” this allows other Christians to hear of the priesthood so that they also may occupy their own place in God’s presence, as a minister to Him, experiencing for themselves the transformation and anointing of this gracious consecration of ourselves to our God in His favored presence.

Receive now the fresh anointing oil of the Holy Spirit within you, calling and consecrating you to blessedly minister as a priest “to Me.”

Step into God’s presence now, as His minister, and allow the anointing to be upon you, from the crown of your head, flowing down and drenching you, even to the soles of your feet, as you minister to your blessed Lord in His Own anointed presence. Hallelujah!

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