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Our Holy Array Covering

Today’s Word of Encouragement From Wayne:

Our Holy Array Covering

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in holy array”

Psalm 29:2

We spent a great deal of blessed time earlier looking at David’s life and heart of ministering to the Lord. As we have lately been looking at praising God in “holy attire” (2 Chronicles 20:21), and at the prophecy through Isaiah of God’s new “everlasting covenant” people (Isaiah 60:8) being called “priests of the Lord” (Isaiah 60:6), clothed with “the mantle of praise” (Isaiah 60:3), “garments of salvation” and “a robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 6:10), I thought I would return to David’s words on this subject.

In the 29th Psalm David was exhorting people to “worship the Lord in holy array” (29:2). The Hebrew word for array and attire is the same, “hadarah,” meaning “adornment and glory.” In the margin of my Bible there is a note regarding Psalm 29:2 saying that “holy array” means “the majesty of holiness.”


When you and I minister to our Lord (Acts 13:2) in God’s presence, we are wrapped in holy array and adorned with glory; with a mantle of praise, garments of salvation, and a robe of righteousness. When we minister as priests to our Lord we are in the presence of “the majesty of holiness,” of our Lord Himself.

So, to “worship the Lord in holy array” for us today, as God’s kingdom of priests (1 Peter 2: 5-9, Revelation 1:5-6), is for us to recognize, humbly and gratefully, our mantle of praise, garments of salvation, robe of righteousness, our adornment with glory, all as we worship in the presence of our Lord in “the majesty of holiness.”

Beloved child of God, I invite you to “worship the Lord in holy array;” to see and receive your precious spiritual covering, which God has lovingly given you. Enter God’s presence and thank Him for covering you with “the majesty of holiness.”

You do see your new self best when you are in His presence. “Worship the Lord in holy array” this day. Hallelujah!

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