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Praise Him In Holy Attire

Today’s Word of Encouragement From Wayne:

Praise Him In Holy Attire

“He appointed those who sang to the Lord and those who praised Him in holy attire, as they went out before the army and said, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His lovingkindness is everlasting”

2 Chronicles 20:21

As ministers unto our Lord, God’s kingdom of priests, we have been clothed with “holy attire.”

In the Old Testament those who served as priests wore special garments “for glory and for beauty,” just as God spoke to Moses concerning his brother Aaron’s priestly garments (Exodus 28:2).

The call in Psalm 96 is, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory of His name; bring an offering and come into His courts. Worship the Lord in Holy Attire” (Psalm 96: 8-9). The Hebrew word for “attire” is “hadarah,” which means “adornment and glory.”

When you and I enter as priests in God’s presence, this very act assures our adornment with glory. Let us see and receive, in the Spirit of God, our special garments, our spiritual clothing, “for glory and beauty.” God views our ministering to Him as something beautiful and glorious, and that is why God wanted the priests in the Old Testament to wear special garments when ministering to Him. Special garments signify our special calling, our special identity, as God’s special kingdom of priests.

Today, in God’s presence, I encourage you to see yourself this way, the way your God sees you, as someone who has come to praise Him “in holy attire,” clothed with garments of glory and beauty.

This particular glory and beauty is not a piece of cloth covering our outer flesh. No, this glory and beauty is what happens to our spirit when we are in our Lord’s presence, beholding His Own glory and beauty. God clothes our spirit in “holy Attire” of beauty and glory as we minister to Him.

Ministering to the Lord IS glorious and ministering to the Lord IS beautiful, for we are highly favored and blessed to enter the presence of our God, Who is all glorious and beautiful. His glory and beauty transform us as we minister in His presence.

“Awake, awake, clothe yourself in your strength, O Zion; clothe yourself in your beautiful garments” (Isaiah 52:1). Amen. Bless You Lord. Hallelujah!

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