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Jesus Our High Priest Is Interceding For Us

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Jesus Our High Priest Is Interceding For Us

“Jesus, on the other hand, because He continues forever, holds His priesthood permanently. Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them”

Hebrews 7:24-25

Whenever we are “ministering to the Lord” (Acts 13:2), we are drawing near to God our Father, "through Him," through Jesus Christ our High Priest, in the Spirit of our living God.

It is within the inner court of our being, drawing “near to God through Him,” ministering as a priest in our High Priest’s presence, that a constant river flows, of assurance concerning our “forever” salvation in Christ.

Even more amazing is this. Jesus Christ, our permanent High Priest, “lives to make intercession” for us!

When we are ministering to our Lord, our praises and all of our devotion ascends to our Abba Father through Christ our High Priest, and Christ our High Priest is simultaneously interceding for us, even as we minister to Him in God’s presence.

Do you see this?

It is specifically here, as a priest (Revelation 1:6) in His presence, that we may clearly behold Jesus Christ, in all of His beauty, praying for us. “He always lives to make intercession.”

Your High Priest is in the inner court always, praying for you!

This is all the more reason for us to flock to His presence as His Own faithful and “royal priesthood” (2 Peter 2:9) that He has made us to be.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, who has saved us forever, is ministering as our High Priest in God’s presence right now because “He always lives to make intercession for them.”

So, think of ministering to the Lord in this way for a moment - when you step into God’s presence as a priest, you are actually joining your High Priest, Who is already here, ministering to the Lord as well, making intercession for you even as you draw near to God to minister to Him!

The faith and life affirming witness is always here for us to behold, in His presence, of our Lord Christ’s intercession for us and our forever salvation in Him. Thank You Jesus. Hallelujah!!!

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