Your Own Royal Priesthood Unto God
Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

1 Peter 2:9
When you enter, as a Christian, into your own “royal PRIESTHOOD” unto God, that’s when you begin to experience, with understanding, the reality of being “CHOSEN” by God that you may willingly and joyfully become His “OWN POSSESSION.”
Stepping into the understanding of your “royal PRIESTHOOD” brings you into the more full realization of why you desire, and why it is important, to worship God in the first place. We know we are created in Jesus Christ to glorify and praise Him, and to live a life before God in this world that also glorifies and praises Him. Stepping into your “royal PRIESTHOOD” brings this truth much closer, into a clearer focus, as you see the reason why you have been created to praise God, indeed why you feel the pull of God’s Holy Spirit within you to praise Him.
It is because you were made a priest unto God at the moment of your new birth. You are a priest unto God. This is your identity. God put His Spirit in you so you would praise Him.
What you do, when understood, comes forth from who you are, or from your understanding of who you think you are. Accept the gift of your participation in this “royal PRIESTHOOD” unto God. This is your identity in Jesus Christ, as God’s beloved child, in this world.
The more you receive your priesthood, the more your joyful praises will ascend to God, with deeper meaning and clarity than ever before. Thank God today that He has included you in His “royal PRIESTHOOD.” Hallelujah!
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